Safety Overview

This IEM contains important warnings and safety instructions for observation by operation and maintenance personnel. Use only qualified personnel capable of operating, maintaining, and observing all the required safety measures outlined in sections of this manual.

The purpose of this safety section is to provide personnel with suggestions for safe work practices. Information in this Section intends to supplement—not replace—plant safety rules, local/state/national codes, or laws.

In relation to this machine, personnel must follow all current Lockout and Tagout (LOTO) guidelines prescribed by the plant.

The objectives of the Safety Section are to:

Always follow LOTO (Lockout / Tagout) procedures including Arc Flash and Lockout / Tagout.

Always ensure:

Exclusive control is defined as providing the employee conducting the assigned task with exclusive control for startup of the equipment. It is most applicable under the following conditions:

Devices utilized for exclusive control are: